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Arjuna uses modules to provide access to some common software packages and tools. For a complete list of the currently available software run: module avail

To load a module named module_name run: module load module_name

For more information, see Lmod’s documentation.

Additional Software

If you need additional software on Arjuna, we recommend installing it via spack. Many commonly used scientific and engineering packages are provided via the system-wide spack installation. For a full list of the currently installed spack packages run: spack find

If a spack package is not available for the software you need, install it from source or binaries.


Spack is a package manager designed for high performance computing which allows for installation of various versions of softwares required for scientific computing. We provide some commonly used softwares, and you can supplement these by installing your own softwares with spack.

For more information see Spack Resources

You can install any of spack’s packages by running:

spack install package_name

When spack packages are installed, they are accompanied by a modulefile. Therefore, to use it, you must either run:

spack load package_name


module load package_name


This section will discuss usage of MPI on Arjuna, and presumes familiarity with MPI.

Arjuna provides MPI support via the OpenMPI version 4.1.3 module (module load openmpi). Users should load this module if they are using MPI. The following prior installations are deprecated and not recomended:

  • module load openmpi/4.1.1
  • MPI Installation at /usr/local/mpirun

/usr/local/mpirun is on the PATH by default. However it is not supported, and will be removed in the future. Users are strongly encouraged to use module load openmpi instead.

Using legacy launchers (i.e. mpirun or mpiexec) is not supported using the provided openmpi and not recommended on other mpi installations. Please use srun to launch mpi jobs.

If users need a different version of MPI than the ones provided, they can install their own via spack or other build tools. Users are advised to first read the slurm documentation regarding mpi before installing MPI, and make sure to build MPI with PMI and slurm support.


Arjuna has support for pmi, pmi2, and pmix. To run a job using a specified pmi, launch your jobs using the --mpi flag provided by srun. If you are unsure of what to use, we recommend trying --mpi=pmix first.

Interactive MPI Jobs

Running MPI Jobs from within interactive jobs launched via srun <options> --pty bash is not supported (and will hang).

Example MPI Job

#SBATCH -n <n>
#SBATCH -A <account>
#SBATCH -p <partition>

module load openmpi/4.1.3
srun --mpi=pmix <executable>